Research Papers and Articles

Decision Support Systems for Precision Agriculture:

The Nutrient Management Decision Support System Project, John A. Lory, Chris L. Fulcher, Jim Meyer, and Dave Connett, University of Missouri Agronomy Extension.

West Central Precision Ag Group: Intensive record keeping and protocol development, Darin Starr, Ron Alexander, David L. Lindell, Gary Lesoing


Economics of Precision Agriculture:

Scott M. SWINTON; Kezelee Q. JONES
Michigan State University, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, East Lansing, MI 48824

American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 8-11, 1999, Nashville, Tennessee

American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 8-11, 1999, Nashville, Tennessee

Purdue University, Department of Agricultural Economics, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1145

University of Minnesota, Center for International Food and Agricultural Policy, 1994 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108

Spatial Variability in Corn and Soybean Insect Pests: Precision Farming and Insect Pest Management for the Future, Michael M. Ellsbury, USDA-ARS, Brookings, SD, and Rayda Krell,  Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Identifying Good Candidates for Precision Phosphorus Management, Clay, D.E., D.D. Malo, C. Reese, and C.G. Carlson, College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007

GPS Based Guidance Systems for Agriculture, (pdf), Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, Purdue University

VARIABLE-RATE / GRID SAMPLING FERTILITY PROJECT, (pdf), PROJECT PARTICIPANTS;   Extension Specialists: Tim Schnakenberg 1 - Agronomy Specialist, Charleston, MO; Gerald  Bryan, Agronomy Specialist, Jackson, MO; Warren Cork, Agronomy Specialist, Benton, MO; Pat Turman, Agronomy Specialist, New Madrid, MO,   Farm Cooperators: John Moreton, Jim Moreton - Moreton Farms, Charleston, MO; Joe Sorrells - Mt. Level Farms, East Prairie, MO,   Agribusiness: Kendal Mouser - Delta Growers Association, East Prairie, MO; Kevin Maynard - J-Mar Agri Group LLC, East Prairie, MO,   Funding: Rex Ricketts, University Outreach & Extension Commercial Ag Program, Columbia, MO,   In-Kind Support: Bill Holmes & Scott Holmes - Agronomy Service Bureau, Oran, MO.  Published by the Missouri Precision Agriculture Center (MPAC), University of Missouri-Columbia.

THE VALUE OF INFORMATION FOR VARIABLE RATE NITROGEN APPLICATIONS: A COMPARISON OF SOIL TEST, TOPOGRAPHICAL, AND REMOTE SENSING INFORMATION, (pdf), Terrance HURLEY [], Bernard KILIAN [kilian@Uni-Hohenheim.DE], Gary MALZER [], Huseyin DIKICI, American Agricultural Economics Association - 2001, 2001 Annual Meeting, August 5-8, 2001, Chicago, Illinois.

 USING SATELLITE IMAGERY IN KANSAS CROP YIELD AND NET FARM INCOME FORECASTS, (pdf), Heather D. NIVENS [], Terry L. KASTENS [], Kevin C. DHUYVETTER [], 2000 Conference, Chicago, IL, April 17-18 2000, NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, NCR-134.


Precision Agriculture Profitability Review (pdf, doc) by Dayton Lambert & J. Lowenberg-DeBoer Site-specific Management Center, School of Agriculture, Purdue University,, 15 Sept., 2000


Remote Sensing and Machine Vision:

Selected Publications - David Landgrebe, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1285

Environmentally adaptive segmentation algorithm for outdoor image segmentation
Lei F. Tian, Agricultural Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1304 West Pennsylvania Avenue, , Urbana, IL 61801, USA
David C. Slaughter, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, University of California at Davis, , Davis, CA, USA

Real-Time Machine Vision Weed-Sensing
By B. L. Steward and L. F. Tian, Graduate Research Fellow Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Written for presentation at the 1998 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sponsored by ASAE,Disney=s Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, Florida, July 12-16, 1998

By Sreekala GopalaPillai, Graduate Research Assistant,  Lei Tian,  Assistant Professor, John Beal, Graduate Student
Agricultural Engineering Department, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801

Vision intelligence for precision farming using fuzzy logic optimized genetic algorithm and artificial neural network
Noguchi, N., Reid, J.F., Q. Zhang. and L.F. Tian. 1998. ASAE Paper 983034. St. Joseph, MI. UILU-ENG-98-7020. 

Technical Reports/References from the Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing ("LARS"), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
765-494-6305.  This is a bibliography of some papers, reports, theses, published abstracts, and presentations written by researchers while they worked with LARS. 

Use of Low Altitude AVIRIS Data For Identifying Salt Affected Soil Surfaces in Western Fresno County, California, Center for Spatial Technologies And Remote Sensing.  Written by Michael L. Whiting, USDA – Natural Resources Conservation Service, 650 Capitol Mall, Rm. 7014, Sacramento CA 95814; Susan L. Ustin, Center for Spatial Technology and Remote Sensing, Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, 1 Shields Road, Davis, CA 95616

Soybean Canopy Reflectance Modeling Data Sets, Ranson, K.J., L.L. Biehl, C.S.T. Daughtry, 1984,Technical Report No. 071584, Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 50pp. (Experiment 801802).

MAPPING SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITH COLOR INFRARED AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS (Presented at: American Water Resource Association's 32nd Annual Conference and Symposium "GIS and Water Resources" September 22-26, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida); Ashok Verma, Graduade Research Assistant; Richard Cooke, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 and  Leon Wendte, District Soil Conservationist, USDA-NRCS, 2110 W Park Court, Champaign, IL 61821

Assessing nitrogen stress in corn varieties of varying color by Wonsuk Lee (1) Stephen W. Searcy (1), Takashi Kataoka (2), Postdoctoral Research Associate Professor Visiting scholar
(1) Department of Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX77843, USA,
(2) Department of Agricultural Engineering, Iwate University, Morioka, Iwate 020-8550, Japan,
Written for Presentation at the 1999 ASAE Annual International Meeting Sponsored by ASAE, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Ontario Canada, July 18-21, 1999

Papers/Posters, Land Use (LAU), The 3rd ERS Symposium ("ESA" European Space Agency), 18-21 March 1997 Florence (Italy)

Integration of Satellite Data and Model Simulations in a GIS for Monitoring Regional Evaporation and Biomass Production, Stephan J. Maas and Paul C. Doraiswamy, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service

EVALUATING COMMERCIAL CRANBERRY BEDS FOR VARIABILITY AND YIELD USING REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES, Marilyn G. Hughes Rutgers Cooperative Extension & Center for Remote Sensing; Peter V. Oudemans, Rutgers Blueberry & Cranberry Research Center, Chatsworth, NJ; Joan R. Davenport, Soil Sciences, Washington State University; Keri Ayres, Rutgers Blueberry & Cranberry Research Center; Teuvo M. Airola, Rutgers Center for Remote Sensing; Abbott Lee, Lee Brothers, Inc., Chatsworth, New Jersey; presented and published at the 4th annual Conference on Precision Agriculture, July 18-22, 1998 in St. Paul Minnesota.

Delineation of Rice Cropping Systems in the Mekong River Delta using Multitemporal ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar,  Soo Chin LIEW and Hock LIM, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, National University of Singapore, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119260; To-Phuc TUONG and Ping CHEN, International Rice Research Institute, P.O. Box 933, 1099 Manila, Philippines; Vo-Quang MINH, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Can Tho, Can Tho, Vietnam; Laarni BALABABA, Natural Resources Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

Rice Crops Monitoring in the Mekong River Delta using Combined ERS and RADARSAT Synthetic Aperture Radar, (pdf), S. C. Liew and P. Chen, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, National University of Singapore, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119260; S. P. Kam and T. P. Tuong, International Rice Research Institute, P.O. Box 933, 1099 Manila, Philippines; V. Q. Minh and H. Lim, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Can Tho, Can Tho, Vietnam; presented at IGARSS 98, Seattle

Satellite remote sensing for assessment of irrigation system performance: A case study in India. Research Report 9, (.pdf), Colombo, Thiruvengadachari, S., and R. Sakthivadivel. Sri Lanka International Irrigation Management Institute. 1997.

Remote sensing and hydrologic models for performance assessment in Sirsa Irrigation Circle, India. Research Report 27, (.pdf), Bastiaanssen, W. G. M., D. J. Molden, S. Thiruvengadachari, A. A. M. F. R. Smit, L. Mutuwatte, and G. Jayasinghe.  Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute. 1999.

Performance evaluation of the Bhakra irrigation system, India, using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Research Report 28, (.pdf), Sakthivadivel, R., S. Thiruvengadachari, Upali Amerasinghe, W. G. M. Bastiaanssen, and David Molden. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute. 1999.

(1) PRIVATEERS N.V., Private Experts in Remote Sensing, De Weaver Drive 42, Philipsburg, St Maarten - Netherlands Antilles. c/o 274 Road 216, Stoke (QC) - CANADA J0B-3G0.
(2) CARTEL, Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 bd. de l'Université, Sherbrooke (Qc), CANADA J1K-2R1.
(3) Technologies SEPIA Incorporation, 100 Richelieu, suite #200, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (Qc), CANADA J3B-6X3.
Proceedings of the CEOS SAR Workshop, ESA SP-450, 6 p., Toulouse (France), 26-29 October 1999.

A Family of Distribution-Entropy MAP Speckle Filters for Polarimetric SAR Data, and for Single or Multi-Channel Detected and Complex SAR Images, (.pdf), Edmond NEZRY and Francis YAKAM-SIMEN, PRIVATEERS N.V., Private Experts in Remote Sensing, Great Bay Marina, P.O. Box 190, Philipsburg, Netherlands Antilles, Proceedings of the CEOS SAR Workshop, ESA SP-450, 5 p., Toulouse (France), 26-29 October 1999.

Use of Spectral Radiance for Correcting In-Season Fertilizer Nitrogen Deficiencies in Winter Wheat, (.doc), M.L. Stone, J.B. Solie, W.R. Raun, R.W. Whitney, S.L. Taylor and J.D. Ringer; Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering and Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078; Contribution from the Okla. Agric. Exp. Stn.  Trans. ASAE 39(5):1623-1631.

Optical Sensor Based Field Element Size and Sensing Strategy for Nitrogen Application, (.doc), by John B. Solie, Professor, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Dept.; William R. Raun, Assistant Professor, Agronomy Department; Richard W. Whitney, Professor, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Dept.; Marvin L Stone, Associate Professor; Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Dept.; and John D. Ringer, Graduate Research Assistant, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Dept., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.  Article was submitted for publication in December, 1995...... Presented as AETC Paper No. 95131.  Trans. ASAE 39(6):1983-1992.

Micro-Variability in Soil Test, Plant Nutrient, and Yield Parameters in Bermudagrass, (.doc), by W.R. Raun, J.B. Solie, G.V. Johnson, M.L. Stone, R.W. Whitney, H.L. Lees, H. Sembiring, and S.B. Phillips, Dep. of Plant and Soil Sciences and Dep. of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078; Contribution from the Okla. Agric. Exp. Stn.  Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 62:683-690.

Detection of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrient Status in Bermudagrass Using Spectral Radiance, (doc) by H. Sembiring, W.R. Raun, G.V. Johnson, S.B. Phillips and , Department of Plant and Soil Sciences; M.L. Stone and  J.B.; Solie;  Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-0507.  J. Plant Nutr. 21:1189-1206.

Detection of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrient Status in Winter Wheat Using Spectral Radiance, (.doc) by H. Sembiring, W.R. Raun, G.V. Johnson, and S.B. Phillips; Department of Plant and Soil Sciences and M.L. Stone, J.B. Solie; Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-0507.  J. Plant Nutr. 21:1207-1233.

Indirect Measures of Plant Nutrients, (.doc), by W.R. Raun, G.V. Johnson, H. Sembiring, E.V. Lukina, J.M. LaRuffa, W.E. Thomason, S.B. Phillips, J.B. Solie, M.L. Stone and R.W. Whitney.  Commun. In Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 29:1571-1581.

Use of Spectral Radiance for Correcting Nitrogen Deficiencies and Estimating Soil Test Variability in an Established Bermudagrass Pasture, (.doc), S.L. Taylor, W.R. Raun, Jerry L. Rogers, Wadell Altom, J.B. Solie, G.V. Johnson, M.L. Stone, and R.W. Whitney, Department of Agronomy, and Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078: Contribution from the Okla. Agric. Exp. Stn.  J. of Plant Nutr. 21:2287-2302.

Estimating Vegetation Coverage in Wheat Using Digital Images, (.doc), E. V. Lukina, M. L. Stone, and W. R. Raun, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, 162 Agricultural Hall, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 740781.  J. Plant Nutr. 22:341-350.

Submeter Spatial Variability of Selected Soil and Bermudagrass Production Variables, (.doc), J. B. Solie*, W. R. Raun, and M. L. Stone, Dep. of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering and Dep. of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 and The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK; Contribution from the Okla. Agric. Exp. Stn.  (in press, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.)

Effect of Row Spacing, Growth Stage, and Nitrogen Rate on Spectral Irradiance in Winter Wheat, (.doc), by E.V. Lukina, W.R. Raun, M.L. Stone, J.B. Solie, G.V. Johnson, H.L. Lees, J.M. LaRuffa, and S.B. Phillips, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, 165 Agricultural Hall, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Ok 740781.  (in press, J. Plant Nutr.)

Effect Of Growth Stage And Variety On Spectral Radiance In Winter Wheat, (.doc), by H. Sembiring, H.L. Lees, W.R. Raun, G.V. Johnson, , M.J. DeLeon1, E.V. Lukina, D.A. Cossey, J.M. LaRuffa, C.W. Woolfolk, S.B. Phillips, and W.E. Thomason; Department of Plant and Soil Sciences and J.B. Solie, M.L. Stone; Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-0507.  (in press, J. Plant Nutr.).

In-Season Prediction of Yield Potential Using Wheat Canopy Reflectance, (.doc), by W.R. Raun, J.B. Solie, G.V. Johnson, M.L. Stone, E.V. Lukina and W.E. Thomason; Dep. of Plant and Soil Sciences, and Dep. of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078.  (Agron. J.)

Small-Scale Variation in Soil Test Phosphorus and Bermudagrass Yield, (.doc), by W.R. Raun, J.B. Solie, G.V. Johson, M.L. Stone, R.W. Whitney, H.L. Lees, H. Sembiring and S.L. Taylor.  Better Crops. 81:(1) 14-16.

Sensing Nitrogen Deficiencies in Winter Wheat and Bermudagrass, (.doc), by M.L. Stone, W.R. Raun, G.V. Johnson, J.B. Solie, R.W. Whitney, H. Sembiring, J.M. LaRuffa, and E.V. Lukina.  Better Crops. 81:(4) 15-16.

A HYPERSPECTRAL/MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING SYSTEM AND ITS IMAGE GEOREFERENCE, Xiuhong Sun and James J. Baker, Flight Landata Inc., One Parker Street, Lawrence, MA.  Proceedings of the Fourth International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition/21st Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Vol II, pp877-884, 21-24 June 1999

A DUAL-USE AIRBORNE HYPERSPECTRAL/MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING SYSTEM FOR REMOTE SENSING, Xiuhong Sun, Flight Landata Inc., 492 Sutton Street, North Andover, MA.  Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, San Diego, California, Vol II, pp543-550, 5-7 October 1998

COMPUTERIZED AIRBORNE MULTICAMERA IMAGING SYSTEM (CAMIS) AND ITS FOUR-CAMERA APPLICATIONS, Xiuhong Sun, James Baker, and Richard Hordon, Flight Landata, Inc., P.O. Box 528, Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950, U.S.A.  Presented at the Third International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, 7-10 July 1997, Copenhagen, Denmark.

 COMPUTERIZED AIRBORNE MULTICAMERA IMAGING SYSTEM, Xiuhong Sun, James Baker and Richard Hordon, Flight Landata, Inc., 1 Parker Street, Suite 2H, Lawrence, Massachusetts 01843, U.S.A.  Presented at the Second International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, California, 24-27 June 1996.

Remote Sensing to Predict Nitrogen Need of Corn, Report to the Missouri Precision Agriculture Center, Peter Scharf and John Lory, Agronomy Department, University of Missouri – Columbia

A spectral bandwidth characterization methodology for imaging spectrometers: application to casi, (.pdf), J. S. Czapla-Myers, Centre of Research in Earth and Space Science, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; L. H. Gray, Centre of Research in Earth and Space Technology (CRESTech), Toronto, Ontario, Canada; J. R. Miller, Canadian Space Agency, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, Canada; P. Duggan, Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Presented at the SPIE Aerosense conference in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 6 April, 1999.

Tools for Delivering Wide-Area Integrated Crop Management, (ICM) on Small New Jersey Farms, M. G. Hughes 1,2 , P. Tocco1, C. McGarrity1, D. Stanker1, J. Singer1, and D. L. Lee1, Rutgers Cooperative Extension1, Grant F. Walton Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis2, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.  Presented at the Second International Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January 2000.

REMOTE SENSING BASED CROP MONITORING IN HUNGARY, G. Csornai, Cs. Wirnhardt, Zs. Suba, P. Somogyi, G. Nádor, dr. L. Martinovich,
L. Tikász, A. Kocsis, B. Tarcsai, Gy. Zelei, Commission VII., Working Group 2., © 1998, Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing 1149 Budapest, Bosnyák tér 5.

Soil Sampling and Mapping:

Systematic Evaluation of Precision Farming Soil Sampling Requirements,  D.E. Clay C.G. Carlson J. Chang S.A. Clay D.D. Malo Plant Science Department South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota, M.M. Ellsbury Northern Grain Insect Res. Lab. USDA-ARS Brookings, South Dakota, John Lee Agvise Northwood, North Dakota

Preliminary results with the VERIS soil electrical conductivity instrument, Broughton Boydell, Alex McBratney, Brett Whelan & Budiman, Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture, THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY

Spatial Variation of Soil Physical Properties: A Precursor to Precision Tillage, J.P. Fulton, L.G. Wells, S.A. Shearer, and R.I. Barnhisel, ASAE Paper No. 961002. International Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona. July 14-18.

Irfan S. ,Ahmad  PostDoctoral Research Associate and John F. Reid, Professor; Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL Urbana, IL
Noboru Noguchi,  Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Alan C. Hansen,  Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Written for Presentation at the 1999 ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting, Sheraton Center, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 18-21, 1999

An Evaluation of Methods for Determining Site-Specific Management Zones, (pdf), N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, and S. T. Drummond,  Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit,  USDA-Agricultural Research Service,  Columbia, Missouri

INTEGRATING SPATIAL DATA COLLECTION, MODELING AND ANALYSIS FOR PRECISION AGRICULTURE, K.A. Sudduth and C.W. Fraisse, USDA-Agricultural Research Service Cropping Systems & Water Quality Research; S.T. Drummond, Bio & Ag Engineering Univ. of Missouri; N.R. Kitchen, USDA-ARS
CS&WQR, Columbia, Missouri, USA.  Presented at the First International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 1-3 June 1998.

SOIL CONDUCTIVITY SENSING ON CLAYPAN SOILS: COMPARISON OF ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND DIRECT METHODS, K. A. Sudduth and N. R. Kitchen, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research; S. T. Drummond, Bio & Ag Engineering, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA.  Presented at the 4th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, St. Paul, Minnesota, 19-22 July 1998.

USE OF UNSUPERVISED CLUSTERING ALGORITHMS FOR DELINEATING WITHIN-FIELD MANAGEMENT ZONES, C.W. Fraisse, K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen, and J.J. Fridgen.  Presented as Paper No. 993043 at the 1999 ASAE International Meeting, Toronto, Ontario Canada, 18-21 July 1999.

Can Topsoil Thickness Help Determine Crop Phosphorous and Potassium Nutrient Needs?
Kitchen, N.R., R.E. Spautz, and K.A. Sudduth, Reprinted from Better Crops with Plant Food, 1999, No. 2.  Published by the Potash and Phospate Institute (PPI)

PRECISION AGRICULTURE AND SURFACE DRAINAGE, Joe Henggeler, Associate Professor, Delta Center, PO Box 160,  Portageville, MO 63873;Allan Thompson, Associate Professor, and Don Pfost, Professor, Agr Engineering Bldg., University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211

DELINEATION AND ANALYSIS OF SITE-SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT ZONES, (.pdf); J.J. Fridgen, Dept. of Agronomy, University of Missouri; C.W. Fraisse, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit, Columbia, MO, USA.  Presented at the Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida 10-12 Jan. 2000.

CHARACTERIZING SOIL PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES INFLUENCING CROP YIELD USING SOIL ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY, (.pdf); N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, S.T. Drummond, Agricultural Research Service, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit, Columbia, Missouri, USA.  Presented at the Second International Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January 2000.

MEASURING AND INTERPRETING SOIL ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY FOR PRECISION AGRICULTURE, (.pdf); K.A. Sudduth, S.T. Drummond, N.R. Kitchen, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit, Columbia, Missouri, USA.  Presented at the Second International Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January 2000.

AN ALGORITHM FOR THE DELINEATION OF MANAGEMENT UNITS BASED ON HYDROLOGIC PROPERTIES, (.pdf) by J. L. Jessip, Research Assistant, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; S. W. Searcy, Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; G. J. Sabbagh, Research Hydrologist, Monsanto, St. Louis, MO.  Written for Presentation at the 1999 ASAE Annual International Meeting.  Sponsored by ASAE, Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Canada, July 18 – 21, 1999

SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF YIELD, CHLOROPHYLL CONTENT, AND SOIL PROPERTIES IN A KOREAN RICE PADDY FIELD, (.pdf) by Sun-ok Chung, Je-hoon Sung, Precision Farming Machinery Laboratory, Bio-Production Division, National Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute, RDA Suwon, Republic of Korea; Kenneth A. Sudduth, Scott T. Drummond, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit USDA-ARS Columbia, Missouri; Byung-keun Hyun Soil Management Division National Institute of Agricultural Science Technology, RDA Suwon, Republic of Korea


Variable Rate Technology ("VRT"):

Variable Rate Nematicide Application Using Global Positioning Systems For Cotton Root-Knot Nematode Control, Investigators: Allen Wrather and Gene Stevens, University of Missouri-Delta Center, Portageville, and Terry Kirkpatrick, University of Arkansas, Hope

Northeast Missouri GPS Equipped Tractor Drawn Cart Project, John Brumett , Charles Ellis, Gary Hoette, Don Smith - Regional Extension Specialists, Kent Shannon – Associate Director – Missouri Precision Agriculture Center, John and Whiley Melton - NFS Manufacturing - Montgomery City, MO, Cecil, and Cecil Jr. Harness – Harness Livestock & Grain - New Hartford, MO

USING SITE-SPECIFIC NITROGEN FERTILIZER APPLICATION TO REDUCE NITRATE LOSSES, (.pdf) ; J.G. Davis and D.K. Shannon, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA; N.R. Kitchen and K.A. Sudduth, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Columbia, MO, USA

Variable N Application for Irrigated Corn: Nitrogen-use Efficiency and Yield Potential, J.P. Schmidt, C.A. Redulla, G.J. Kluitenberg, M.D. Schrock, and R.K. Taylor, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.  p. 231-236. In A.J. Schlegel (ed.) Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference Proceeding, Vol. 7, Denver, CO. March 3-4, 1998

REMOTE SENSING BASED CROP MONITORING IN HUNGARY, G. Csornai, Cs. Wirnhardt, Zs. Suba, P. Somogyi, G. Nádor, dr. L. Martinovich, L. Tikász, A. Kocsis, B. Tarcsai, Gy. Zelei.  Commission VII., Working Group 2.  © 1998, Földmérési és Távérzékelési Intézet, 1149 Budapest, Bosnyák tér 5.

An Analysis of the Distribution OF Fall Bait Trapping of Wireworms in New Jersey Corn Fields USing GPS/GIS Technology, Ingerson-Mahar, D. L. Lee and M. F. Huffaker, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Salem County, Woodstown, NJ, USA and M. G. Hughes, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Grant F. Walton Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.  Presented at the Second International Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January 2000.

PREDICTIVE ABILITY OF NEURAL NETWORKS FOR SITE-SPECIFIC YIELD ESTIMATION, (pdf), Scott T. Drummond, Computer Specialist; Kenneth A. Sudduth, Agricultural Engineer, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit, Columbia, Missouri, USA; Anupam Joshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.  Presented at the Second International Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January 2000.

Can Topsoil Thickness Help Determine Crop Phosphorous and Potassium Nutrient Needs?, (pdf), Kitchen, N.R., R.E. Spautz, and K.A. Sudduth, Reprinted from Better Crops with Plant Food, 1999, No. 2., Published by the Potash and Phosphate Institute (PPI)


Yield Monitoring and Maps:

An Investigation into the accuracy of yield maps and their subsequent use in crop management, Ph.D. Submission, Author : Mark Moore, Ph.D. Submission, Submitted : 1997, Cranfield University, Centre for Precision Farming, Silsoe College, Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4DT, England

Cotton yield mapping: The end of the season is just the beginning., Broughton Boydell, Brett Whelan, Alex McBratney and Murray Schoenfisch, Australian Cotton Grower Article, Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture, THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY

Some Very Preliminary Grape Yield Monitoring, James Taylor, Brett Whelan, Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture, THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY

Data Filtering and Correction Techniques for Generating Yield Maps from Multiple-Combine Harvesting Systems, S.A. Shearer, S.G. Higgins, S.G. McNeill, G.A. Watkins, R.I. Barnhisel, J.C. Doyle, J.H. Leach, and J.P. Fulton, ASAE Paper No. 971034. International Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota, August 10-14.

SOIL CONDUCTIVITY SENSING ON CLAYPAN SOILS: COMPARISON OF ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND DIRECT METHODS, K. A. Sudduth and N. R. Kitchen, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit, USDA– Agricultural Research Service, Columbia, Missouri; S. T. Drummond, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.  Presented as Paper No. 983096 at the 1998 ASAE International Meeting,
Orlando, Florida, 12-16 July 1998.

ULTRASONIC AND GPS MEASUREMENT OF COMBINE SWATH WIDTH, K.A Sudduth, S.T. Drummond, W. Wang, M.J. Krumpelman, and C.W. Fraisse.  Presented as Paper No. 983096 at the 1998 ASAE International Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 12-16 July 1998.

PREDICTIVE ABILITY OF NEURAL NETWORKS FOR SITE-SPECIFIC YIELD ESTIMATION, (.pdf); Scott T. Drummond, Computer Specialist, Kenneth A. Sudduth, Agricultural Engineer, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit, Columbia, Missouri, USA;  Anupam Joshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.  Presented at the Second International Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January 2000.

Post-Process Filtering Techniques to Improve Yield Map Accuracy, (.pdf) by Andy D. Beck, Research Assistant; Jody P. Roades,  Research Assistant; Stephen W. Searcy, Professor; Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.  Written for Presentation at the 1999 ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting.  Sponsored by ASAE and CSAE, Sheraton Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 18-21, 1999

Using Yield Monitors to Conduct On-Farm Research, Randy Taylor, Scott Staggenborg, Kevin Dhuyvetter,
Terry Kastens, John Schmidt, Mark Schrock.  Proceedings of the Great Plains Precision Agriculture Conference. January, 1999. Great Bend, KS


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